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7 Courses


Pre-assessment - Title

Assessment to be administered to assess the eligibility of candidates for Title Training.


Westcore Land Title

Client requirements for COS and Typing.


Stewart Bulk

This course pertains to Stewart Bulk client requirements.



A Two Owner Search is a search that provides the current vesting deed and all deeds leading back to the deed prior to the out-of-family deed.


Full Search

This course is about Full Owner Search, which includes a detailed description of research on all current title holders and previous owners of the subject property. The chain of title including the current deed is reported, along with all open mortgages, liens, and judgments recorded against the property. Easements, CC&R, agreements, etc. affecting the subject property are also included.


Current Owner Search

This course is about Title search on the present title holder of the property in question. Which will cover all information on deed, tax status, county assessment information including all open mortgages, liens, and judgments recorded against the property and the Current Owner.


Title Commitment

This course is about Title Commitment Preparation, A title commitment might also be called a preliminary title report or a binder, It shows the requirements, exceptions, and exclusions that will be in the final policy.